Søren Espersen


The Euro and the Danish Referendum tale


Søren Espersen's participation (speech) at the Congress For Democracy, Westminster, 13th July 2001

In view of the Euro Referendum that your primeminister has promised, it might be of interest for you to hear some of the threats and promises we Danes were presented with - prior to our Euro Referendum last year.

The promises for if we voted "Yes" - and not least the catastrophy that would face us, if we were to vote "No"!

Knowing the way in which the Euro lobbyists work, there is no doubt that your people will very soon be bombarded with the same threats and the same promises.

But firstly, let me present this gathering with a wonderful piece of news, - in view of all the threats -quite surprisingly: Denmark still exists !

Our "No" to the Euro did in no way result in the predicted immediate downfall of the economy which was presented to us as an absolute certainty in the case of a "No" result!

This is what really happened:

The Danish interest rate fell - after the No

Employment increased

Foreign investment in Denmark has never been higher

Average wages have increased

The Danish crown, is as strong as ever

Home-owners have not been chased out of their properties

Denmark still has the reputation of having a strong and stabile economy

Denmark has not been "shuttled onto a side track" - and is not at all isolated from the rest of the world.

In short then - we are still alive!

And we did not say No - because we are isolationists - just like you we have co-operations across boarders, in EU, in the UN, in the European Council, in NATO. Free trade in EU with equal competition conditions are to everyone's benefit. The collaboration for environment protection, technical and quality standards are all valuable and save on all of our resources.

It is true that our world's problems cross all boundaries. It is true that many of these are a threat against peace, our limited resources, and the ecological balance of nature. But it is only those

who are certain that they can always keep their heads above water, that believe that these problems can be solved by leaving a people's natural community and identity.

The Danes have been able to see the EU's true colours as a Powerful Giant, where democracy has drowned in bureaucratic self-indulgence. We can unfortunately now confirm that this Giant now watches carefully over how opinions are formed, and are armed with sanctions, should a majority in any country want other ideals than those of the EU and it's power mongers .

We are helplessly aware that approximately 5% of the taxpayers money in the EU's budget disappears due to corruption and mis-administration. We stand by helplessly and watch the enormous flock of eurocrats receive wages, that represents two to three times the wages that the same people would receive in their own national administrations.

We can see, that the joint economic venture - the Euro - cannot solve 11 countries different needs.

We can establish the fact that the rate is falling and the interest is increasing. We can see, that Denmark only has half the unemployment of that found in the Euro-countries, and our economic growth is substantially higher.

As the day bounds forward, where the Euro countries substitute their national currencies with the Euro, the situation becomes more and more chaotic.

The Euro tumbles around in the ring like a boxer half knocked out. Fear and doubt hide behind the eyes of all of those who have placed their money and prestige into what they had considered was to become the champion boxer, that could not be beaten!

The trainer at the ringside, Mr. Duisenberg, doesn't quite know what to do. If he had the slightest amount of decency and responsibility, he would throw in the towel.

However, you can be sure that this towel will never be thrown in to the ring. The boxer must not and can not give up. His well being is not up for discussion here, as he has become the very symbol of the principal case of the United States of Europe.

Should he be knocked out cold, the whole of the European tower of Babylon comes tumbling down with him.

It would be nice, if we could just laugh at all of this, but of course we do not think this is funny at all - the situation is tragic to the extreme. It is at the end of the day, the European people's welfare and wealth, that is being irresponsibly experimented with - all because of a fanatical idea.

I wonder what our neighbours in the south think during these times. The Germans, who were promised that, if they swapped their safe, and enviously strong Deutsch-Mark - they would get a currency that would be just as strong and just as steady.

After just a few weeks into the introduction of the Euro it became quite clear with the first infant signs that this experiment was not going to work - (it was those weeks, where the Euro's dramatic plunge in relation to the dollar started) - the Germans at the time were calmed with the message that as soon as the Euro had become a proper currency, money you could hold in your hand, Yes - then all confidence would return.

But this was not true. We are now as close as we can come, and respected experts foresee in unison, that in just a short time the Euro will fall well past its lowest record from October last year of 0,8229 dollars.

We were also told that the Euro's weakness, was due to the exceptionally strong American economy and that the weakness was more of an expression of the strength of the dollar.

This was not true either. The Euro did not fall in relation to the dollar alone - but fell also in relation to a whole row of other currencies around the world. The argument used with the dollar also becomes transparent when during the latest months we have seen a levelling out of the american economy, and even this levelling out - has not had any positive effect on the strength of the Euro.

Are there not then ANY positive signals that could rebuild the confidence to the Euro?

I'm sorry to say, that the answer is no !

Firstly, it looks as if America is already on the way to regaining their economic strength.

Secondly - and probably most importantly - are the problems surrounding the three largest Euro-countries that are the driving force behind the joint currency - and these are definitely getting worse.

According to the latest figures from the EU Commission, Germany will have a deficit of 1.7% of GDP this year against the goal of 1.5%. France had hoped for a positive result of 0.1 %, but are predicted of having a deficit of 0.6%, whilst Italy, optimistically had reckoned on a deficit of 0.8% and can very well end catastrophically with 2.0%.

But, of course, all of this doesn't matter at all - because this project MUST be seen through to the end - for the Euro is not a goal in itself - but a vital part of the project called The United States of Europe.

EU declared already in 1957 that it will "continue the process towards a even closer integration of the European people."

This is EU's drive. The spirit, which carries the community. EU must continue the integration.

Just like a cyclist. If you don't keep moving, you will fall over. This is the driving force that has become the whole idea. Where the cyclist is going, and whether its a nicer place, is no longer of importance. As long as the bicycle is moving.

This is a miserable vision, and a potential tragedy for the European people.

Let me take this opportunity to wish you all a continued successful Congress, and assure you of the Danish People's Party's continued loyal support - and at the same time express my warmest hopes that your battle for keeping the pound will succeed.




Vi ved, et fjeld kan sprænges, og tvinges kan en elv, men aldrig kan et folk forgå, som ikke vil det selv